JHauge's blog

Philosophy major turned web developer

05 Apr 2021

Appsettings and Application Secrets in Azure Functions

No real world app without application-settings and -secrets. You will invariably need some settings defining stuff like...
09 Aug 2020

Deploy Azure Functions App

I always prefer to set up hosting environments and build/deploy pipelines right after creating a new project. In my exp...
25 Jul 2020

A proper Azure Functions Project

As a long time web application developer, I've been excited about the whole idea of frontend applications built with mo...
11 Jul 2020

My Shell Setup

Once you've got Windows Terminal [up and running](/posts/2020/07/my-winterm-setup/) you will start to yearn for a reall...
10 Jul 2020

My Windows Terminal setup

I'm a big fan of the command line. I know it comes with a steep learning curve, discoverability isn't great and there...
24 May 2020

Azure Static Web Apps

While having my blog offline a number of years tech has moved on a great deal. So getting back online I needed a new wa...
24 May 2020

Back Up

So after a number of years with my blog in hibernation or even of the grid (I know - so sorry), I decided to put my blo...
02 Aug 2014

Deploying an Umbraco Website with Webdeploy

Disclaimer: This is mostly a feeble attempt to hold on to my sanity, after wrestling with Web Deploy a.k.a msdeploy ove...